Recovery One
Card At A Time

Recovery From
Addiction Deserves

Do you know someone who is currently in recovery from addiction, working toward recovery, or supporting a loved one in their recovery?

Greeting cards are a time-tested, thoughtful gesture for letting someone know you’re thinking about them during a special time or life event. Yet there are few greeting cards that support someone’s recovery from addiction.

Recovery Cards Project was created to spotlight the importance of recovery. Working with artists in Colorado and nationwide, we designed these cards to celebrate recovery, the efforts of those working to achieve it, and the people who support and encourage them every day. Get information at the bottom of the page about how to apply to be an artist.

A Simple card can make all
the difference

To order cards, scroll down and select a card from our Recovery Cards® gallery. As a State of Colorado-funded project, our cards are only available to Colorado residents. But don’t worry! We have digital options available for everyone. Click the card you want for sharing options.

Support is in the Cards

    *To order cards, scroll up to browse our Recovery Cards gallery and select the image of the card you would like to receive.